Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Still here

Yes, I am. In writing hell right now. I think I have just junked three weeks work. Don't want to say too much in case my editor reads my blog. He'll know soon enough - heh heh heh. I'm not much of a tosser (quiet in the back there, my English friends!). But what I was writing didn't feel right and the switch...does. Heh ho, we'll see. Early days yet. But I think one of the reasons I've been a bit down about writing lately is the speed of turnover. I've just finished polishing 'Ragnarok', honing a sentence here, doing a small rewrite there. Now I am faced with the blank page each morning, constant invention. Its harder... and I am so very, very tired. (Last said in a sort of fading, upper class voice!)

Well, as my friend Jack Absolute would say: 'Bollocks!' I get paid to do this so I better just get down to it. To be honest, I think the junking and restarting may have turned a corner for me. I can see the story again which I'd lost amid all sorts of debris. I'd danced around it but not worked out what the story itself was.

I know I keep saying this but I will start to blog more. Especially as my friend and fellow Historical novelist Simon Scarrow has started blogging on Blogger too. Yesterday. Check him out. He's a fine writer and even busier than me.


Blogger Rachel said...

You re-write and now it is probably Dickens.
You sir can do no wrong. Geez. I hate writers like you ;)

Always love a Jack quote, by the way.

Hope the weather is favourable in BC.

4:08 PM  
Blogger Camille said...

I was talking to an author recently who said the first draft of his books are always terrible but neccessary to get to the next stage. His greatest fear is that he will be in an accident and someone will find the hideous first draft of something on his computer and their final opinion of his writing will be based on that dreck.

Something else to worry about. Probably should not have shared that.

11:38 AM  

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