Mea culpa, mea culpa...
Mea maxima culpa...
Yupp, guilty again. I seem to start each blog with an apology, vow to do better, then fail.
‘Fail again. Fail better,’ Samuel Beckett wrote. I’ll try.
So, progress report. I got the notes back for the third Fetch book. Once again my editor, Nancy Siscoe, has done a bang up job. She reassures me about how much she likes it – then makes me yearn to improve it with her sharp observations. Its often about clarification – something she, the ideal reader, doesn’t get. Or a failing of logic, sense, or both. Occasionally she’ll suggest some character stuff, usually pretty acute. Occasionally a plot switch. I balk at these, grumble… then find she’s right nine out of ten. But finally, if I disagree on that tenth, she lets me have my way.
The Dream editor indeed! Now comes my favourite bit – the red ink pen, the final polish. My last real chance to shape.
I am excited. The third book of the Runestone Saga is a worthy finale, an epic conclusion. Don’t want to give too much away – after all, the second one, the equally exciting ‘Vendetta’ is not out till the summer – but Sky’s journey takes him about as far as a boy can go…
Went to Eastern Canada last week – Ottawa to see my brother, Toronto to see my publishers (I love that plural!). Finally Halifax, Nova Scotia, to appear at their Writers Festival. I loved Halifax. Many stone buildings, sunshine, the harbour, history a-plenty. And they pull beer with hand pumps, something to gladden this Englishman’s heart and taste buds. Saw my niece who is at Dalhousie and I forced her to play tourist. We drove to the delightful Peggy’s Cove. The whole area reminded me of Southern Norway – fjords, fishing villages, rocky shores, painted houses. Gladdened this Norwegian’s eye.
I also thought the people were delightful, warm, welcoming and fun. And was it the fact of the sun and that its been raining in Vancouver for three months straight, or was everything just plain old sexier there?
And now, the countdown for the next adventure: Romania in under three weeks. In Search of Vlad. I’ll try to blog from there. A whiz is trying to set me up so I can even podcast. That’d be something. From the poorest of bloggers to the high tech king. Well see!
Yupp, guilty again. I seem to start each blog with an apology, vow to do better, then fail.
‘Fail again. Fail better,’ Samuel Beckett wrote. I’ll try.
So, progress report. I got the notes back for the third Fetch book. Once again my editor, Nancy Siscoe, has done a bang up job. She reassures me about how much she likes it – then makes me yearn to improve it with her sharp observations. Its often about clarification – something she, the ideal reader, doesn’t get. Or a failing of logic, sense, or both. Occasionally she’ll suggest some character stuff, usually pretty acute. Occasionally a plot switch. I balk at these, grumble… then find she’s right nine out of ten. But finally, if I disagree on that tenth, she lets me have my way.
The Dream editor indeed! Now comes my favourite bit – the red ink pen, the final polish. My last real chance to shape.
I am excited. The third book of the Runestone Saga is a worthy finale, an epic conclusion. Don’t want to give too much away – after all, the second one, the equally exciting ‘Vendetta’ is not out till the summer – but Sky’s journey takes him about as far as a boy can go…
Went to Eastern Canada last week – Ottawa to see my brother, Toronto to see my publishers (I love that plural!). Finally Halifax, Nova Scotia, to appear at their Writers Festival. I loved Halifax. Many stone buildings, sunshine, the harbour, history a-plenty. And they pull beer with hand pumps, something to gladden this Englishman’s heart and taste buds. Saw my niece who is at Dalhousie and I forced her to play tourist. We drove to the delightful Peggy’s Cove. The whole area reminded me of Southern Norway – fjords, fishing villages, rocky shores, painted houses. Gladdened this Norwegian’s eye.
I also thought the people were delightful, warm, welcoming and fun. And was it the fact of the sun and that its been raining in Vancouver for three months straight, or was everything just plain old sexier there?
And now, the countdown for the next adventure: Romania in under three weeks. In Search of Vlad. I’ll try to blog from there. A whiz is trying to set me up so I can even podcast. That’d be something. From the poorest of bloggers to the high tech king. Well see!
I have added ‘Vendetta’ to the list of ARCs that I am looking for at the Texas Library Association convention next week.
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